
Keeping you informed with the latest financial news and updates

Pension decisions for the new government

Autumn won’t leave much time for the new government to settle before important pension policy decisions need to be made....

Light my FIRE – could you really retire early?

Is the FIRE movement for you or is it more than hot air for top earners and minimal spenders?...

Born after 1978? Keep an eye on State pension age.

An independent report suggests that the State pension age (SPA) should rise much faster than planned....

Working to 72? The retirement procrastination problem

Recent research on planned retirement ages has produced some unexpected and perhaps unrealistic results. ...

How much does retirement cost?

New research has put some surprising numbers on the income needed in retirement....

Prepare for the future: State pension age may rise to 71

As life expectancy increases and the workforce dwindles, the state pension age could climb to 71 by 2050....

Getting a head start: retirement planning attitudes in 2023

A survey of 6,000 people aged between 18 to 80, revealed starkly different views on retirement across the generations....

An uncertain future for the Triple Lock

State pension increases could be outpacing inflation next April, and there’s no guarantee of the Triple Lock surviving the next election....

The reality of retirement affordability

New research reveals that one in three people could face hardship in retirement...

Who is choosing your pension investments?

The Chancellor has announced a new initiative to stimulate higher-risk pension investment, shifting focus to UK private companies....
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